Monthly global semiconductor equipment billings and bi-annual forecast reports, based on direct inputs from over 90% of semiconductor equipment suppliers.
Subscription includes 3 reports:
Member Price
Non-Member Price
Quarterly global semiconductor materials report covering 10 years of historical revenue and a 2-year forecast. Report contains 10 types of wafer fab materials and 7 types of packaging materials. Includes a BONUS report: Photomask Characterization Summary
Member Price
Non-Member Price
Quarterly global report covering historical revenue and headcount trends across the semiconductor design ecosystem. Revenue data is broken out by geographic regions and segments such as Electronic Design Automation, Semiconductor IP, and Service providers.
Member Price
Non-Member Price
Our team at SEMI aims to provide you timely and relevant market data and forecasts to help the business make better-informed decisions. We take the opportunity to highlight some of the recent findings in this newsletter.
Since 1970, SEMI has built connections that have helped its members prosper through its programs, communities, initiatives, market research, and advocacy. SEMI informs and coordinates its members and the industry, cultivates collaboration, drives action, and synchronizes innovation to speed business results.